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Children’s Emergency Dentist


As a parent, you know that unexpected situations can arise. Whether your child faces an unforeseen facial impact while playing with friends or wakes up to a troublesome toothache, know that Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, your dependable ally in Brampton, is prepared to provide swift help. Our committed team of three skilled dentists specializes in urgent pediatric dental care, guaranteeing swift attention for your child’s smile. With the convenience of same-day appointments and extended operating hours, we prioritize your family’s oral health requirements during crucial moments.

How To Handle Common Dental Emergencies

If your child experiences a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to contact us at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry as your initial point of contact. Whether dealing with a persistent and intensifying toothache or an unexpected injury, we are available to provide assistance. While we will provide customized instructions when you reach out, here are some basic first-aid tips to keep in mind until you are able to visit our practice.

My Child Has A Toothache

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we recognize that the enamel of your child’s teeth is noticeably thinner than that of adult teeth, making it more prone to decay and resulting discomfort. To address this issue, we recommend trying to floss around the affected tooth to remove any trapped debris that could be exacerbating the problem. If this method does not provide relief, using ice packs and acetaminophen can help reduce swelling and ease any discomfort until their scheduled dental appointment.

My Child Chipped/broke A Permanent Tooth

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we recommend that you collect all fragments of the broken tooth, including any that may be lodged in your child’s gums, and bring them with you when you come to our clinic. To protect the sensitive oral tissues, you can use dental wax or sugarless gum to cover any rough edges. If there is bleeding, it’s important to avoid pain relievers that contain aspirin. Our main concern is the dental health of your child.

My Child Knocked Out A Baby Tooth

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we recognize that although primary teeth are meant to naturally fall out as a child grows, an untimely loss of even one tooth can lead to notable complications. Nearby teeth could shift into the gap, potentially hindering the proper eruption of the permanent tooth. We advise you to bring the dislodged tooth with you to your scheduled visit, but it is essential to refrain from trying to reposition it yourself. The skilled dental professionals at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry are here to assist you in following the correct course of action.

My Child Knocked Out A Permanent Tooth

“In cases of immediate concern regarding dislodged permanent teeth, quick response is of utmost importance, and at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we are available to provide the necessary assistance. It is essential to get in touch with our office within the next hour. Please handle the tooth exclusively by its crown to avoid contact with its roots. While you can rinse it gently using plain water or milk, do not attempt to remove any remaining tissue. To preserve its moisture, you may consider repositioning the tooth within its socket or placing it in a container filled with milk or saliva. Our expert team is fully prepared to support you during such unforeseen emergencies.

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