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Jaw Pain


At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, our goal is to help you recognize the importance of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) – the crucial hinge that governs jaw movement. Comprising a pair of TMJs, positioned on either side of your jaw, they work harmoniously to facilitate the opening and closing of your mouth, enabling vital actions such as chewing and speaking. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD), a condition we specialize in treating, is a progressive degenerative condition that can develop over time, exerting significant effects on your overall health and well-being. When the alignment of your jaw becomes disrupted, it can lead to a range of symptoms, including persistent headaches, discomfort in the neck and shoulders, audibly noticeable clicking or popping sensations in the jaw, limited jaw mobility, jaw pain, teeth grinding, tinnitus, and even tingling sensations in your fingers. At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, our commitment is to improve your comfort and restore the natural harmony of your jaw’s function, ensuring a life of optimal health and well-being.

Teeth Grinding

Introducing Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry! Many individuals grapple with the habit of teeth grinding or clenching, which is medically referred to as bruxism. Occasional grinding may not immediately pose a threat, but persistent bruxism can give rise to dental problems and additional complexities in oral health. At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we recognize that teeth grinding often originates from stress and anxiety, although it commonly occurs during sleep hours. Furthermore, an irregular bite, missing teeth, or misalignment can contribute to this behavior. There are instances where sleep apnea, a sleep disorder, can also trigger teeth grinding tendencies.

Since grinding predominantly takes place during sleep, you may remain unaware unless symptoms such as chronic headaches or discomfort in the jaw manifest. When you pay a visit to our esteemed dental practice, our experts will assess your oral health, including any indications of bruxism such as tenderness in the jaw and excessive dental wear. Sustained teeth grinding may potentially lead to problems like fractures, looseness, deterioration, or even tooth loss for some patients.

To address this concern, our proficient dentist may suggest interventions like dental bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, partial dentures, or complete dentures, if deemed necessary. As a proactive approach, we encourage you to inquire about a personalized mouth guard during your upcoming dental appointment. This tailored solution, available through our office, offers a preventative measure to shield your teeth from nighttime grinding. At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, your optimal oral health remains our utmost priority.

Clicking Or Locked Jaw

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, our aim is to provide you with valuable insights into maintaining your oral health. The temporomandibular joint, located near your ears on both sides, plays a vital role in connecting your jaw to your skull, facilitating essential activities like speaking, chewing, and yawning. Should you encounter sensations of clicking or locking in your jaw, it could indicate a potential temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This condition arises when various factors such as injury or inflammation affect your jaw joint. Ideally, your temporomandibular joint should function smoothly, allowing for natural and unimpeded jaw movement. However, inflammation or damage can disrupt this motion, leading to clicking or locking sensations and restricting the opening of your mouth.

Certain cases of TMD can be improved through lifestyle modifications, including refraining from chewing gum. Furthermore, taking proactive steps like reducing stress, using a night guard to address teeth grinding, opting for softer foods, and utilizing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication can contribute to your recovery. For more severe instances of TMD, seeking guidance from a dental specialist becomes crucial, especially if the condition stems from oral injuries or inflammatory issues. Surgical interventions are rare and recommended only when alternative treatments have proven ineffective. Experience personalized care and support at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, where your dental well-being is our top priority.


When you come to our practice, the dedicated team at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and oral cavity to identify any visible indications of wear or issues. Should any problems be observed, we utilize a variety of advanced methods to uncover the underlying causes and devise a customized treatment plan tailored exclusively for you. Our comprehensive evaluation encompasses a meticulous oral assessment, panoramic x-rays, and the utilization of our state-of-the-art 3-D scanner to generate a detailed model of your mouth, alongside capturing high-definition images.

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we recognize that there are generally two effective strategies for addressing TMJ dysfunction. The first approach entails the use of braces and potentially other orthodontic devices, working in tandem to rectify your jaw’s alignment and development. Alternatively, our second method involves establishing a physiologic bite position through the use of a specialized appliance over a span of 2-3 weeks. This precise alignment is then enhanced by the application of crowns, restoring your teeth to their optimal and healthy arrangement.

Initiating early treatment for TMD concerns is of utmost significance to mitigate the risk of future complications in oral health. Your comfort and well-being lie at the core of our practice philosophy here at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry.