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Oral Cancer


Introducing Vaughan Wood Bridge Family Dentistry: A significant fact to remember is that oral cancer ranks as the 13th most frequently diagnosed form of cancer, according to information from the Dental Association. It has the potential to arise in various regions within the mouth, both internal and external, encompassing the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor, and roof of the mouth, sinuses, and throat. This underscores the critical importance of regular checkups. By adhering to routine checkups, our skilled dental professionals can conduct a comprehensive examination of your oral cavity to detect any initial indications of its development. While oral cancer remains a valid concern, it’s essential to acknowledge its rarity. Unless you actively utilize tobacco products or possess a genetic predisposition linked to its occurrence, the likelihood of encountering oral cancer in your lifetime is exceedingly minimal. Nevertheless, it’s a prudent approach to address any apprehensions during your upcoming visit to our office, where an oral cancer screening is an integral part of the routine assessment. At Vaughan Wood Bridge Family Dentistry, we empower our patients with awareness about the significance of promptly consulting their medical practitioners for any visible abnormalities, lesions, or swellings identified during the screening process.

The initial phase in conducting an oral cancer screening involves a thorough examination of your dental and medical history. This includes:

  • An overview of your general health history, inclusive of a catalog of current medications and allergies.
  • Assessment of oral habits and lifestyle choices, encompassing details regarding the extent, frequency, and duration of tobacco consumption and alcohol usage.
  • Identification of any indications of oral discomfort or pain.

Should any aspects raise concerns, we may proceed with an extraoral and intraoral assessment, wherein we:

  • Carefully inspect your head and neck for signs of asymmetry, tenderness, or swelling.
  • Employ palpation to examine lymph nodes in the submandibular, neck, and supraclavicular regions, paying specific attention to factors like size, quantity, tenderness, and mobility.
  • Scrutinize and palpate the lips and perioral tissues for any irregularities.
  • Meticulously examine and palpate all soft oral tissues systematically, focusing closely on sites considered high-risk for potential oral cancer development. These include the lateral and ventral sections of the tongue, the floor of the mouth, and the intricate soft palate complex.

Choose Vaughan Wood Bridge Family Dentistry for a comprehensive approach to your oral health, where your well-being is our utmost priority.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we want to stress the importance of understanding that while these symptoms may arise from less severe oral health issues, they merit an assessment at your upcoming regular check-up. Among the common indicators are red or white spots or sores located anywhere in your mouth, a sore that tends to bleed excessively or resists healing, a bump, hardening, or irregular area, pain, sensitivity, or a lack of feeling in any area of your mouth or lips, and difficulties with chewing, swallowing, speaking, or the movement of your jaw or tongue. Numerous other signs require careful attention, making it advisable to contact us and arrange an appointment if you experience or observe any troubling changes.


At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we offer comprehensive oral cancer screenings that go beyond focusing solely on your teeth, encompassing a detailed evaluation of your entire oral cavity. This thorough assessment is vital for detecting both pre-cancerous and cancerous conditions. Alongside a careful visual and tactile examination of your mouth, our proficient dentist may utilize advanced equipment like the VELscope. This innovative tool assists in identifying any irregularities in the oral mucosa that could easily go unnoticed.


At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, upon detecting oral cancer during its early stages, the typical procedure often entails surgical treatment or radiation therapy. In cases of more advanced progression, a combined strategy involving both surgery and radiation is frequently utilized as the primary therapeutic approach. In the later stages, the established protocol involves a blend of radiation and chemotherapy, occasionally incorporating surgery based on clinical judgment.


At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we highlight the importance of taking personal responsibility to protect yourself against oral cancer. Avoid the use of tobacco products, practice moderate alcohol consumption, maintain a balanced diet, and reduce sun exposure (which is more impactful than solely relying on sunblock, as its effectiveness relies on proper application, while minimizing exposure consistently yields benefits).