Services Detail

Dental Vibe

Dental Vibe

Dental Vibe is an innovative device used by dentists to enhance patient comfort during dental procedures. It utilizes gentle vibrations to minimize discomfort and reduce dental anxiety associated with injections and other dental treatments. Dental Vibe works by stimulating the sensory receptors in the mouth, which helps to block pain signals and create a more pleasant dental experience.

Why should I have Dental Vibe?

  1. Reduced Discomfort: Dental Vibe significantly reduces the discomfort associated with dental injections. The gentle vibrations help to block the pain signals from reaching the brain, making the injection process more comfortable for the patient.

  2. Minimized Dental Anxiety: Many individuals experience dental anxiety or fear, particularly when it comes to injections. Dental Vibe helps to alleviate anxiety by creating a distraction and reducing the focus on the injection itself. This promotes a more relaxed and positive dental experience.

  3. Quick and Easy Application: Dental Vibe is a simple and non-invasive device that can be easily incorporated into various dental procedures. It does not require additional preparation or time, allowing the dental team to provide efficient and comfortable care to patients.

  4. Safe and Effective: Dental Vibe is a safe and effective device that has been extensively researched and tested. It is approved by regulatory authorities and used by many dental professionals worldwide to enhance patient comfort during treatments.

  5. Improved Patient Satisfaction: By incorporating Dental Vibe into dental procedures, dentists can enhance patient satisfaction. Patients who experience minimal discomfort and reduced anxiety are more likely to have a positive perception of their dental visit and be more inclined to maintain regular dental care.

Procedure Practise

When Dental Vibe is used during dental procedures, here’s what typically happens:

  1. Preparation: Before starting the dental procedure, your Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area where the injection will be administered. This helps reduce any initial discomfort.

  2. Dental Vibe Application: The dentist or dental assistant will then use the Dental Vibe device. The device resembles a pen-like instrument with a vibrating tip. It is gently pressed against the gum tissue near the injection site. The vibrations from Dental Vibe stimulate the nerve endings in the area, effectively distracting the brain from feeling the injection.

  3. Injection Administration: Following the application of Dental Vibe, the dentist will administer the injection. The vibrations from Dental Vibe help minimize the sensation of the needle entering the tissue, reducing discomfort and anxiety.

  4. Continued Use if Necessary: In some cases, Dental Vibe may be used during other dental procedures that involve discomfort or sensitivity, such as scaling and root planing or placing dental implants. The device can help alleviate any discomfort and make the experience more tolerable.