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Root Canal Therapy


Introducing Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry! If you’re facing an unrelenting toothache, there’s a possibility that an infection has taken root within your dental pulp. This sensitive inner tissue is situated at the center of each tooth and contains delicate nerves, among other things. Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry offers root canal therapy, a lifesaver for rescuing teeth troubled by such afflictions. Rapidly repairing the damage and easing the accompanying pain, our procedure ensures minimal discomfort for patients—a stark departure from any misconceptions fueled by portrayals in movies or on television. If you’re enthusiastic about embracing a life without dental distress, a root canal might just be the remedy you’ve been searching for.

Why You Shouldn’t Fear A Root Canal

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, when you come to us with a painful tooth issue, we will promptly carry out a thorough examination. If our evaluation suggests that a root canal might be beneficial, the process will involve several straightforward steps:

Our skilled team will apply a local anesthetic to numb the affected area and your tooth. Afterwards, a small opening will be carefully created in the enamel, providing access to the infected pulp. The contaminated pulp will be removed, and the inside of the tooth will undergo a meticulous cleaning and filling procedure. A temporary restoration will be attached to the tooth, followed by the placement of a new crown during a subsequent visit. Contrary to popular belief, the discomfort often associated with root canals actually stems from the infections they are designed to address. Patients frequently compare the actual procedure to receiving a minor filling, dispelling the misconception of intense pain.

After a root canal procedure, your tooth may experience slight tenderness, but the improvement will be significant compared to your initial discomfort. Within a few days, you will feel a return to normalcy, as if the tooth had never been problematic. It should regain its appearance and functionality, serving you well for many years to come.

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