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Sleeping Issues


Welcome to Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, where we have a comprehensive understanding of snoring and its implications for your overall health. Snoring occurs when the airway is obstructed during sleep, typically due to the collision of soft tissues at the back of the throat. This collision creates vibrations that manifest as snoring. It’s worth noting that occasional snoring is quite common among adults and affects a significant portion of the population. Research indicates that chronic snoring is experienced by approximately 24 percent of women, 40 percent of men, and 10 percent of children.

Even children can snore, often due to factors like altered oral tissue caused by missing teeth, potentially leading to blocked airways. The causes of snoring are diverse and may encompass:

  1. Naturally narrow airway from birth
  2. Characteristics such as a low, thick soft palate, an elongated uvula, or enlarged tonsils
  3. Sleeping positions
  4. Excess weight or obesity
  5. Chronic nasal congestion
  6. Alcohol and tobacco consumption
  7. Pregnancy
  8. Family history

The consequences of snoring go beyond disturbances during the night. Daytime fatigue and tiredness are common results, and severe snoring can even hinder proper oxygen intake during sleep. If you experience feelings of fatigue or illness during the day, it’s crucial to promptly contact our office.

Moreover, snoring often leads to mouth breathing, which can contribute to dryness and give rise to issues like bad breath, bacterial buildup, tooth decay, infections, and sores. At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we are dedicated to addressing the multifaceted impacts of snoring on your oral health and overall well-being.

Sleep Apnea

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we want to ensure you are informed about obstructive sleep apnea, a troubling sleep disorder that occurs when the upper airway becomes blocked during sleep. As a result, your diaphragm and chest muscles must work harder to reopen the airway and enable proper airflow into the lungs. This often leads to shallow breathing or momentary pauses in breathing, followed by sudden resumption accompanied by noticeable gasping, snorting, or even bodily movements. It is important to understand that this condition can also lead to decreased oxygen supply to essential organs and irregular heart rhythms. Considering the potential for various other medical conditions to manifest similar symptoms, we strongly urge you to address any concerns with us during your upcoming appointment.

Warning signs of obstructive sleep apnea include:

  • Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Dry mouth or sore throat in the morning
  • Difficulties concentrating, memory lapses, depression
  • Restlessness during sleep
  • Night sweats
  • Snoring
  • A low sex drive
  • Gasping or choking when sleeping
  • High blood pressure
  • Waking up several times in the middle of the night to use the bathroom
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Children have their own specific symptoms:

  • Choking or drooling
  • Wetting the bed
  • Excessive sweating at night
  • Inward ribcage movements when they breathe out
  • Issues at school
  • Learning and behavioral concerns
  • Sluggishness or sleepiness throughout the day
  • Snoring
  • Teeth Grinding
  • Breathing that pauses or ceases
  • A restless nature in bed
  • Abnormal sleeping positions, such as sleeping on their hands and knees, or with their neck noticeably bent back

Anti-Snoring Mouth Pieces

Snoring, a nocturnal sound often emitted during sleep, can be linked to a constriction in the air passage resulting from the presence of a flap at the back of the throat. Contrary to common belief associating snoring with nasal origins, its actual source lies deeper, situated behind the tongue. This occurrence is triggered by the relaxation of muscles during sleep, causing the airway to narrow, ultimately leading to vibrations in the throat and the familiar snoring noise.

At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we acknowledge that snoring can serve as an indicator of more significant issues, such as sleep apnea, a condition characterized by recurrent pauses in breathing throughout sleep cycles. Snoring frequently accompanies sleep apnea, posing a challenge. We offer effective remedies to address snoring concerns, including specialized devices designed for this purpose. These innovative appliances readjust the position of your jaw, preventing the vibration and compression of throat tissues. By optimizing the airway, these devices alleviate resistance and muscle tension, resulting in a substantial reduction in snoring.

One standout option among the available solutions is the mandibular advancement device (MAD). Comprising two pieces resembling retainers, this device effectively maintains an open airway, facilitating unobstructed airflow. Additionally, our practice offers a tongue stabilizing device, which positions the tongue forward, creating a significant separation between the tongue and the throat. This strategic alignment minimizes the vibrations that lead to snoring.

Although less frequently employed due to potential discomfort, the snoring chin strap presents an alternative option. While encircling the head to prevent mouth opening, this device has demonstrated somewhat diminished effectiveness compared to its counterparts. Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry places utmost importance on your comfort and overall well-being, tailoring our approach to cater to your unique requirements and concerns. Be assured that our dedicated team is committed to aiding you in attaining tranquil, noise-free nights and optimal oral health.