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Tooth Sensitivity

What is Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity, or dentin hypersensitivity, emerges when the safeguarding enamel of your teeth erodes or when the gum tissue recedes, unveiling the underlying dentin layer. Within this dentin layer, there exist minuscule tubes or tubules that establish a connection with the tooth’s nerve core, rendering your teeth more prone to sensitivity. This condition is addressed at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, where expert care is provided.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Brushing Technique: Employing an excessively forceful brushing method or utilizing a toothbrush with firm bristles has the potential to harm your tooth enamel and bring about sensitivity issues. Tooth Decay: The occurrence of cavities and dental decay can lead to the gradual erosion of enamel, ultimately revealing the susceptible dentin underneath. Gum Recession: Factors like aging, gum disease, or incorrect brushing methods have the potential to induce gum recession, which exposes the dentin and triggers sensitivity. Teeth Grinding: The habitual act of grinding or clenching your teeth can result in the gradual erosion of enamel, consequently leading to heightened tooth sensitivity. Acidic Foods and Drinks: Regular consumption of acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, soda, or wine, can gradually wear away the enamel, thus contributing to the development of sensitivity over time.

Managing Tooth Sensitivity

Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush and adopt a gentle circular brushing motion to minimize enamel erosion. Utilize desensitizing toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth, containing elements like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, which hinder tubule exposure and alleviate sensitivity. Reduce consumption of acidic foods and beverages, and when consumed, rinse your mouth with water to mitigate enamel impact. Sustain a reliable oral hygiene regimen, encompassing twice-daily brushing and daily flossing, for overall oral health. Prioritize regular dental check-ups, allowing Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry to identify and manage any underlying factors contributing to tooth sensitivity. Enamel strength and sensitivity reduction may be enhanced through fluoride treatment as suggested by your dentist. If you have nocturnal teeth grinding, consider a customized mouthguard for safeguarding against enamel wear and sensitivity. Remember, effective care and attention can successfully manage tooth sensitivity. Should persistent or severe sensitivity arise, consulting Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry is advisable to pinpoint causes and establish an optimal treatment strategy.