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Wisdom Tooth Extractions


Are you feeling uneasy in the back of your jaw? Has this uneasiness come up recently, extending over a few weeks or months? If so, it could point to the arrival of your wisdom teeth. Many people face problems because there isn’t enough room in their jaw for these teeth, leading to different types of discomfort and difficulties as they push against the molars while erupting. At Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we’re available to assist you. Our team is skilled in performing wisdom teeth extractions, guaranteeing a smooth and pleasant process for our esteemed patients.

Your Quick Guide To Wisdom Teeth

Introducing Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry! Wisdom teeth, commonly referred to as the third set of molars, usually erupt in the late teenage years or early twenties. These molars played a vital role for our ancient ancestors, aiding in the grinding of their coarse diet. Nevertheless, with the progression of culinary techniques and the availability of easier-to-consume nourishment, the size of the human jaw has gradually decreased over time. As a result, these teeth frequently no longer fit comfortably within the mouth, often requiring extraction.

Rest assured, at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry, we diligently monitor your wisdom teeth during regular checkups to proactively manage any potential concerns. Our objective is to proactively remove them, preventing complications. When the need for extraction arises, our proficient team will gently numb the area, carefully remove any adjacent gum or bone tissue, and skillfully extract the molars.

Following the extraction of wisdom teeth, patients generally undergo a recovery phase of approximately one week. Throughout this period, it is advisable to stick to a soft diet and avoid foods that are sticky, tough, or related to tobacco use. Your well-being and oral health remain our utmost priorities at Dr. Harman Raheja Dentistry.

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